
Teachers in CT contribute 8.25% of our salary towards our retirement. 7% goes into the Teacher’s Retirement plan. 1.25% goes into the state retiree insurance fund. Upon retirement, all teachers get a benefit based on years of service and average of top three years of salary.

  • 20 years of Connecticut service and be at least age 60
  • 35 years of service (minimum 25 years CT) at any age
  • If you retire earlier, your benefit may be reduced

CEA Retirement Workshops

Teacher’s Retirement Board

Retirement Percentages Chart

Social Security and Your Pension Information

Annual Member Statement Information

Purchasing Service Credit

Teaching After Retirement

Filing for Retirement / New Retiree Q&A

Effects of Leaves of Absence

Explanation of Windfall Elimination Provision
from Social Security:  Windfall Elimination Provision  | Gov Pension Offset

 What is GPO?  |  What is WEP?



CEA Retired learn about retired benefits